December 19, 2006
TIME’S UP! Achievements in 2006
Despite the challenges we faced as a community, TIME’S UP! was able to garner significant victories in 2006. Two are worth highlighting: the increased amount of public programming and involvement thanks to our space; and the press attention the issues we stand for have obtained. This is thanks to the tireless efforts of a core crew of multitalented volunteers, who offer their skills in areas as far-ranging as bike mechanics, video documentation, and media outreach regarding both victories and challenges.
Outreach and documentation: A dedicated team of videographers, photographers and writers has faithfully documented the activities we care about, as well as those that enrage us. Their stories, videos and photos have made it onto the pages of major newspapers, magazines and television, and our message has been accurately broadcast over both the mainstream media and the blogosphere. Most recently, the New York Times featured a story about the ghost bikes TIME’S UP! places with Visual Resistance in homage to those killed on their bicycles. Just today, we learned that Manhattan Neighborhood Network TV (MNN) awarded TIME’S UP! a grant of $5,000 in video equipment and training, which will greatly leverage our resources and put even more information about the cause into the hands of people who can make a difference.
TIME’S UP! Space: Since July 2004, we’ve had a fantastic storefront location thanks to the generosity of Steve Stollman, whose interest in the public realm has been a boon to TIME’S UP!. It has enabled us to greatly expand our workshops–over 100 workshops were offered in 2006–and other educational activities. Several times each week, we provide much-needed services to the community, including workshops; bicycle repairs and sales; movie nights and documentary screenings; an info kiosk as well as a meeting center for all our volunteer committees and their many projects. With the sale of the building imminent, however, we are actively looking for a permanent new space. We are exploring possibilities for an educational green culture center, which would give grassroots environmental groups in NYC a place to flourish. To find out more about this exciting initiative, please contact us at the numbers below: your support and involvement is needed!
Safer streets: The bi-monthly calendar of events for cyclists and skaters we began publishing some 10 years ago has grown into a wonderful array of rides that appeal to thousands of people of diverse backgrounds and interests. These rides encourage cyclists–new and seasoned alike–to ride their bicycles, for fun and, importantly given the increasingly obvious signs of global warming, for transportation. We are also working with the NYC Bike Coalition to pressure the city to improve its cycling infrastructure and more actively enforce rules to protect cyclists.
And we have fun, too: In 2006, TIME’S UP! members honored the lives of those lost and battled for civil liberties, but never lost sight of the importance of creativity and of celebrating the wonderful city we all share. The playful approach has proved successful: clown rides to stop cars from parking on bike lanes garnered considerable press, as well as a grant to document these actions. And a march for community gardens in the Lower East Side–complete with puppets, seed balls and the Rude Mechanical Orchestra’s lively music–has helped galvanize efforts to save an endangered garden in that neighborhood. Our workdays in Childrens Magical Garden as well as gardens in Harlem and the Bronx make a real difference!
Lasting change does not come easy, and we need your continued support to keep up the momentum. Please remember us as you make your year-end contributions. TIME’S UP! is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, and your donations are tax-deductible.