Campaigns & Programs

  • Legal Newswire

    Stay up to date on legal news in the TIME’S UP! press center. UPDATE 02/14/2006: Legal Document: Judge Stallman’s Ruling. (PDF Format) New York State Judge Michael D. Stallman rendered his decision on The City of New York vs. TIME’S UP! The judge rejected the City’s request for injunctions to prevent TIME’S UP!, certain TIME’S… read more

  • Energy Bike Update

    Energy Bike Update

    This is an update to our original open source plans found here. This Year, Time’s Up volunteers spent countless hours doing research and development to make our energy bikes as efficient, user-friendly, and reliable as possible. We updated both our stands and electrical assemblies. Here, we provide you with our reasoning, our parts lists, and… read more

  • Time’s Up Sustainabile Energy Plan

    Time’s Up! Analysis of Cuomo’s Energy Plan and alternative, sustainable plan for the future Based on Cuomo’s various public statements, as well as private meetings that have ben relayed to Time’s Up, his energy plan for New York State is clear: He wants to end the moratorium on hydrofracturing for natural gas in New York… read more

  • Bike National Convention

    In 2004, Time’s Up! hosts the Bike National Convention (BNC), drawing thousands of visitors from all over the world.  The BNC, coinciding with the Republican National Convention, consisted of a month-long calendar of free educational events and direct-action events to highlight environmental issues on a national stage.  The large presence of cyclists during the Republican… read more

  • Saving Community Gardens

    Saving Community Gardens read more


    News Date: Friday, September 21, 2012 – 3:45pm read more

  • Time’s Up! at OWS

    This is the story of Time’s Up!’s involvement with Occupy Wall Street. We have also posted the story of our Energy Bikes and an Energy Bike how-to page. Time’s Up has been championing the issues at the heart of Occupy Wall Street for 25 years, so it’s no wonder that our volunteers were there at… read more

  • Energy Bikes, the story

    This is the story of how Time’s Up! brought energy bikes to Occupy Wall Street. We have also posted the technical details of our energy bikes and an overview of all of our work at OWS. Time’s Up! was involved with Occupy Wall Street from its inception on several fronts: media, press, bike support, facilitation,… read more

  • Energy Bikes, how-to

    Time’s Up! was involved with the Occupy Wall Street Sustainability working group. The first task was to make the Occupy Movement in Zuccotti Park more environmentally sustainable. Time’s Up! Volunteers spearheaded a wide range of projects, including the iconic renewable alternative energy project, building 14 energy bikes to fulfill all of Occupy Wall Street’s energy… read more


    News Date: Saturday, October 29, 2011 – 11:00am read more


    Time’s Up! is developing a resource for anyone considering going to Bike! Bike! 2012 which will be hosted in Vancouver, British Columbia in Canada some time next Summer. Bike! Bike! is an international annual conference organized by and for not-for-profit community bicycle projects and initiatives. It is an opportunity for people across North America and… read more

  • Defending Community Gardens Campaign 2010

    Esperanza Community Garden Bulldozed Feb 2000 “East Village Gardens” Condo built on Esperanza Community Garden Site read more

  • Response to Benepe Op-Ed

    Time’s Up! read your 8/11/10 NY Post Op-Ed with great dismay.  There is a certain Orwellian ‘war is peace’ quality to it that separates fact from reality.  You write that “not a single Parks garden has been lost.” You are clearly making a distinction between Green Thumb Park Department protected gardens and others which are… read more

  • Ride to Save Community Gardens

    Ride to Save Community Gardens, and other actions NYC’s community gardens are in trouble again. Time’s Up! has been on the forefront of saving community gardens in the past from having them be turned over to private development. In 2002, there was a Spitzer Agreement to preserve 500 green spaces (2002 Preservation Agreement) but this… read more

  • Love Your Lane Campaign

    Time’s Up! announces a new campaign called Love Your Lane, and all are invited to take part! The Love Your Lanetm campaign is designed to inspire community support for the positive new cycling infrastructure sprouting up all around New York City. Help us promote respect and utilization of the exciting new green infrastructure and bicycling… read more

  • Climate Change – What You Can Do

    A few suggestions from TIME’S UP!: Leave your car at home Use a bike or public transport to go to work and make local trips. Participate in community gardening Engage the environment from the roots up. Find gardens in your local area and contact the gardeners. Plant trees, fruits, vegetables and even flowers. Make your… read more

  • Climate Change – Background

    TIME’S UP! It is time to end the U.S.’s addiction to fossil fuels and other climate damaging technologies. Climate change is one of the most serious environmental challenges to face our planet. Urgent action is needed if we are to avert the threat it poses to many species and habitats, and to people’s livelihoods. More… read more

  • Climate Change

    Check out our 30th Anniversary Timeline of events and accomplishments. Run!!!! For over two decades, TIME’S UP! has not only been educating people about global warming and greenhouse gasses but has been doing something about it. We have hosted thousands of bicycle rides that have promoted non-polluting transportation as a fun and viable way to… read more


    News Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 – 2:30pm read more

  • Federal and State Judicial Victories

    In 2004 Time’s Up! steps up its campaign to defend New Yorker’s First Amendment Rights. Since its inception, Time’s Up! has been dedicated not only to protecting the environment, but also to defending the community’s right to use and assemble in public spaces. Fueled by the suppression of First Amendment Rights during and after the 2004… read more

  • Bike and Pedestrian Memorials

    Bike and Pedestrian Memorials

    In 2005-2006, “ghost bikes” — bicycles painted white with plaques placed above them to recognize deceased cyclists — have been installed in New York City by members of Time’s Up! and Visual Resistance. The NYC Street Memorial Project now installs ghost bikes in NYC and maintains the website which includes ghost bike projects throughout… read more

  • Bike Parking Bad News

        read more

  • Bike Parking Good News

  • Secure Bike Parking

  • Call for Cyclists Arrested or Harassed

    Call for Cyclists Arrested or Harassed During and Since the RNC Our Legal Newswire has more recent updates about the city’s campaign against Critical Mass and bicyclists using public space. UPDATE 04/12/2005: A page one story in today’s New York Times reveals that the D.A.’s office doctored videotaped evidence to prosecute a bicyclist who was… read more

  • Andre Anderson Ghost Bike

    GHOST BIKE MEMORIAL IN HONOR OF ANDRE ANDERSON, 14-YEAR-OLD CYCLIST KILLED BY SUV Photo by Tod Seelie On September 24, 2005, 14-year-old Andre Anderson was killed on Shore Front Parkway at Beach 77th Street in Far Rockaway, Queens, by Jose Vicens, 23, who was driving his Lincoln Navigator. Andre was struck from behind and killed… read more

  • The Caterpillar

    The March 30, 2001,Critical Mass ride rolled in support of community gardens. A highlight of this event was the world debut of the GIANT CATERPILLAR, a bicycling work of art that moved through city streets. As you can see in the picture above, it was almost as big as a city bus — and much… read more

  • Working With Others

    {menu template=’a_navigation_hort_pipes’ start_page=”community-gardens”} A lot of great groups work on Community Gardens in New York City. Here are some that TIME’S UP! has had the privilege of working with. Friends of Brook Park — We’ve worked in the Brook Park garden, and worked with them on garden tours in the Bronx. Green Map — Their… read more

  • Legal FAQ

    1. Which traffic laws apply to bicyclists? Bikes are traffic, so all traffic laws (referred to in New York as Vehicle and Traffic Laws or “VTL”) that apply to cars apply to bikes. This includes signaling to make a turn or stop. 2. Is it legal to ride against traffic? No, since all traffic laws… read more

  • Pedicabs

    Introduction In 1994 Time’s Up! supports the start of the Pedicab Industry in New York City.  Working with the HUB Station, Time’s Up! designs, assembles, and introduces 12 original pedicabs (bike powered cabs) to the streets of New York as a carbon-dioxide-reducing alternative form of urban transportation.  Due to the tireless efforts of Pedicabs of… read more

  • Garden Events

    Kids work on arts and crafts while others work on the garden at Brook Park Garden in the South Bronx. Flowers … spices … bugs … compost … ecology … public space … there is much to see and enjoy and learn about in a community garden. To raise awareness of gardens and their communities,… read more

  • Garden Tours

    Ecological Garden Tours   The Green Apple Ride visits the 7th Street Recycling Garden for a seminar. Ecological Garden Tours, organized by TIME’S UP! and led by well-informed guides, these bicycle rides to endangered and protected gardens usually end with bicyclists honing their own horticultural skills and sampling a garden’s organic produce. Some of our… read more

  • Defending Gardens

    Locked down to save the gardens (June 2002) Saving and Defending Gardens Over the last 20 years, local people in neighborhoods from the South Bronx to the East Village to Bedford-Stuyvesant have turned abandoned, refuse-strewn lots into marvelous gardens, green oases of hope in decaying, often redlined districts. Along with serving as an outdoor venue,… read more

  • Growing Gardens

    Breaking new ground in Brook Park, South Bronx. We love to help create new community gardens, and to help them grow and flourish. It all starts with a “cleanup” of a derelict vacant lot. A good way to find such a lot is to contactGreenThumb. Here’s how it works: TIME’S UP! brings Hands-On Help: volunteers,… read more

  • TIMES UP! Diving Team

      For more information, ask around. read more

  • Reclaim the Streets

    1998 Reclaim The Streets, which started in England, is a way of drawing attention to the fact that the urban design of cities was not only meant for cars, but for the community. This was done through direct action, art, and dance. This Reclaim The Streets campaign was very successful in Europe but was more difficult… read more

  • Reclaiming Public Space

    Frisbees and bicycles prohibited in the park, but feel free to drive well over the speed limit. Taking our right place on the streets and in parks. Establishing and defending community gardens. Fighting to protect our air and water. Being an urban environmental group means that a common thread runs through the things we do:… read more

  • Memorial Stencil Project

    Cars and trucks not only destroy our environment, but they can destroy each of us instantly! HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER Under New York State law, if you use a gun or a knife to kill someone it’s a crime. But if you kill someone with a car, as long as you’re not drinking,… read more

  • Greenways Today

    In collaboration with many organizations, Time’s Up! rallies public support for the building of greenways to increase non-polluting transportation and public waterfront access. Working in collaboration since 1997, Time’s Up! and the Cherry Tree Association advocate increased public waterfront access in the Bronx. Together, these groups raise awareness about environmental injustice, including the relationship between… read more

  • Ghost Bike Memorials

    1996 Time’s Up! pioneers the Street Memorial Project, commemorating cyclists and pedestrians killed by motorists. The Street Memorial Project creates silent but powerful memorials to draw attention to pedestrian and cyclist fatalities around the city through actions such as Stencil Memorials, Memorial Bike Rides, and candlelight vigils. In collaboration with Right of Way, Time’s Up!… read more

  • Community Gardens

    TIME’S UP! volunteers love community gardens. We’re involved growing new gardens, defending gardens, touring gardens by bike, and organizing other events that focus on gardens. Many of the gardens we have worked with in past seasons have been saved, thanks to everyone lending a hand! In 2003 TIME’S UP! worked with GreenThumb to help community… read more

  • Auto-Free Streets and Parks

    TIME’S UP! has organized over fifty direct-action traffic-calming rides through our parks, efforts that have heightened awareness of the unnecessary and undesirable presence of cars in our parks and contributed to recent increase in car-free hours in Central Park. But we need to keep up the pressure on City authorities to permanently ban cars from… read more