Climate Change – What You Can Do
A few suggestions from TIME’S UP!: Leave your car at home Use a bike or public transport to go to work and make local trips. Participate in community gardening Engage the environment from the roots up. Find gardens in your local area and contact the gardeners. Plant trees, fruits, vegetables and even flowers. Make your… read more
Climate Change – Background
TIME’S UP! It is time to end the U.S.’s addiction to fossil fuels and other climate damaging technologies. Climate change is one of the most serious environmental challenges to face our planet. Urgent action is needed if we are to avert the threat it poses to many species and habitats, and to people’s livelihoods. More… read more
Climate Change
Check out our 30th Anniversary Timeline of events and accomplishments. Run!!!! For over two decades, TIME’S UP! has not only been educating people about global warming and greenhouse gasses but has been doing something about it. We have hosted thousands of bicycle rides that have promoted non-polluting transportation as a fun and viable way to… read more