Puppet Making

[See the calendar for a complete list of upcoming events!]

Puppet makers have to eat too, you know.


Sunday, Aug 22, 2004, 2:00 p.m.
49 East Houston, between Mott and Mulberry.
Come and transform your bike into a horse, for
Paula Revere’s Ride (Aug 24th).

Sunday, May 23, 2004, Noon-5:00 p.m.
Norfolk Street parking lot (east side)
between Delancey and Rivington.
Come join us the garden-themed costume, puppet, and bike-decorating
parties. Bring your ideas, materials, and energy. Props are for
the Critical Mass for More Gardens (May 28th), but you can find
millions of uses for them.

Our biggest puppet ever was The Caterpillar for More Gardens, built in 2001.


Candle bikes.“Candle bikes” glow at Critical Mass. Helmets that look like plants and other garden life.Bike helmets made into garden life. A bike that looks like a big dragonfly.Bikes also made into garden life.

Puppet Making

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