2011-06-21 – Urban Kayakers gain victory – Daily News
Urban Kayakers gain victory with Con Ed agreeing to move cable barricade at Bronx Kill by year’s end Daily News June 21, 2011 By Daniel Beekman http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/bronx/2011/06/21/2011-06-21_paddling_on_bronx_kill_con_ed_to_move_cable_barricade_with_years_time.html The Bronx Kill, a waterway long closed to kayaks and canoes, could become navigable by the end of the year, buoying the spirits of urban paddlers. Con Edison… read more
2010-08-18 Save The Gardens – The Villager
Save The Gardens The Villager August 19 – 25, 2010 Editorial http://www.thevillager.com/villager_382/editorial.html Two weeks ago, Adrian Benepe, the city’s Parks Department commissioner, assured community garden advocates that the proposed new rules for governing the nearly 300 gardens currently under Parks’ jurisdiction would not threaten the green spaces’ existence. However, garden advocates — especially in the… read more
2010-08-18 Constant Gardens for New York – New York Times
Constant Gardens for New York New York Times Editorial August 18, 2010 By Christine C. Quinn and Melissa Mark-Viverito http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/19/opinion/19quinn.html?_r=1&hp “THE best place to find God is in a garden,” George Bernard Shaw wrote. “You can dig for him there.” Anyone who has ever cleared his mind while clearing weeds from a flower patch, or… read more
2010-08-18 Our NYC Community Gardens – The L Magazine
Our NYC Community Gardens: Still at Risk The L Magazine August 18, 2010 The Editors http://www.thelmagazine.com/newyork/our-nyc-community-gardens-still-at-risk/Content?oid=1715533 As of September 17, hundreds of community gardens could fall victim to bulldozers as the law meant to protect them expires. Mayor Bloomberg and Parks Commissioner Adrian Benepe have yet to offer firm support for their protection. This is… read more
2010-08-15 The Neighborhood News – NY Magazine
The Neighborhood News New York Magazine August 15, 2010 http://nymag.com/news/intelligencer/neighborhoodwatch/67519/ CITY HALL PARK A woman dressed as a sunflower climbed twenty feet up a tree to protest newly drafted rules governing community gardens. read more
2010-08-12 – Your Community Garden
Your Community Garden The Brian Lehrer Show August 12, 2010 By Brian Lehrer http://www.wnyc.org/shows/bl/2010/aug/12/your-community-garden/ Adrian Benepe, Commissioner of the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation, discusses the new rules governing community gardens. Plus, Karen Washington, president of the New York City Community Garden Coalition board of directors, talks about why community gardens need to be… read more
2010-08-12 New Community Garden Rules
New Community Garden Rules Offer Weaker Protection Than 2002 Agreement: NY State Lead Attorney TreeHugger.com August 12, 2010 By Matthew McDermott http://www.treehugger.com/files/2010/08/new-community-garden-rules-offer-weaker-protection-than-2002-agreement-new-york-state-lead-attorney.php To hear NYC Parks Commissioner Adrian Benepe describe it, either on WNYC or in the New York Post, the proposed rules governing the City’s hundreds of community gardens are a definite step up… read more
2010-08-02 Keeping the Gardens Green – NY Times
Keeping the Gardens Green New York Times August 2, 2010 Editorial http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/02/nyregion/02gardens.html?src=mv&ref=nyr… First, a little history. In 2002, a lawsuit by then-Attorney General Eliot Spitzer of New York was resolved by the Bloomberg administration. That brought an end to what many New Yorkers remember as the garden wars, the Giuliani administration’s effort to sell or… read more
2010-08-01 – The Bulldozers Are Coming – NY Times
‘The Bulldozers Are Coming’: Garden Crusaders Hop on Their Bikes New York Times August 1, 2010 By Colin Moynihan http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/02/nyregion/02gardens.html?src=mv&ref=nyr… The bikes departed Tompkins Square, pedaled by men and women dressed in 21st-century thrift-store versions of 18th-century garb. There were tricorn hats, vests and, in a few cases, shirts with long, flowing sleeves. Many of… read more
2010-07-06 New Rules Worry Community Garden Advocates
New Rules Worry Community Garden Advocates New York Times City Room July 6, 2010 By Colin Moynihan http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/07/06/impending-rules-worry-some-… New rules being drafted by the city may omit some protections and assurances accorded nearly a decade ago to hundreds of community gardens scattered across the five boroughs. The proposed rules, which are being written by the… read more
2006-07-21 Protests & the NYPD – NY Post
NY Post PROTESTS & THE NYPD By RAY KELLY http://www.nypost.com/php/pfriendly/print.php?url=http://www.nypost.com/… July 21, 2006 — ONCE again, the usual critics are charging the NYPD with undermining free speech – and, once again, the facts say otherwise. The charges center on the department’s recent clarification of its rules on protests, marches and parades – clarifications suggested by… read more
2006-04-03 CBS2 Cited For Uncovering NYPD – CBS2
CBS2 Cited For Uncovering NYPD Voyeurs: Chang Wins Coveted ‘Murrow’ Award http://wcbstv.com/topstories/local_story_093191828.html CBS2 April 3, 2006 (CBS) NEW YORK CBS2 News reporter Ti-Hua Chang is the winner of an Edward R. Murrow award for a story he uncovered about the NYPD taping a couple as they kissed on their rooftop. The Murrow judges cited Chang’s… read more
2006-03-07 Pedal Power – The Economist
Pedal power http://www.economist.com/cities/briefing.cfm?city_id=NY The Economist March 7, 2006 Cities Guide In a long-running battle between the city and a group of committed cyclists, Michael Stallman, a state supreme court judge, ruled in favour of the latter. Critical Mass, a protest collective, gathers on the last Friday of every month to cycle in Manhattan in support… read more
2006-03-07 CM Gets Dangerous – WCBSTV
‘Critical Mass’ Bike Ride Gets Dangerous: One Woman Claims She Was Thrown From Her Bike By The NYPD http://wcbstv.com/local/local_story_066002543.html WCBSTV March 7, 2006 Lou Young (CBS) NEW YORK The young woman showed CBS 2 her fading bruises. She said she received the injuries when she was knocked from her bicycle by an NYPD Assistant Chief… read more
2006-03-01 Time to Improve Cycling – Villager
It’s time to de-escalate Critical Mass clash and improve city biking http://thevillager.com/villager_148/editorial.html The Villager March 1-7, 2006 Editorial State Supreme Court Justice Michael Stallman’s recent ruling on the Critical Mass rides seems to have had a noticeable impact on the Police Department’s response to the monthly event. Last Friday night, police made only three arrests… read more
2006-02-25 2-Wheeled Rebels – Daily News
Put the brakes on 2-wheeled rebels http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ideas_opinions/story/394437p-334433c.html New York Daily News February 25, 2006 Editorial It’s only a matter of time before someone is seriously hurt, if not killed, because of the determined recklessness of the so-called Critical Mass bike riders. Two cops have already suffered minor injuries – and that is two too many.… read more
2006-02-24 Police Agression Stirs Questions – NY Times
Aggressiveness of Bike Chases Stirs Questions for the Police http://www.nytimes.com/2006/02/24/nyregion/24critical.html?_r=1&oref=slogin New York Times February 24, 2006 Jim Dwyer The patrol guidelines for the Police Department strongly urge officers to be careful when chasing suspects with cars, and national studies show that accidents involving police vehicles result in one death nearly every day. Yet since August… read more
2006-02-20 Taking The Law For A Ride – NY Post
Taking The Law For A Ride http://www.nypost.com/postopinion/editorial/63815.htm New York Post February 20, 2006 Editorial February 20, 2006 — New York State Supreme Court Justice Michael Stallman last week dealt the city a setback in its attempt to gain some reasonable control over the bicycling nihilists who call themselves Critical Mass. For years the group made… read more
2005-12-27 Big Brother – Brian Lehrer
Big Brother is Not Only Watching, He’s Egging You On http://wnyc.org/shows/bl/episodes/12272005 December 27, 2005 The Brian Lehrer Show Jim Dwyer, New York Times reporter -on NYPD surveillance of war protesters Copyright 2005, The Brian Lehrer Show read more
2005-12-22 Police Infiltrate Protests – NY Times
Police Infiltrate Protests, Videotapes Show http://www.nytimes.com/2005/12/22/nyregion/22police.html December 22, 2005 By Jim Dwyer New York Times Undercover New York City police officers have conducted covert surveillance in the last 16 months of people protesting the Iraq war, bicycle riders taking part in mass rallies and even mourners at a street vigil for a cyclist killed in… read more
2005-11-07 Freedom To Ride – C.I.C.L.E.
Freedom To Be, Freedom To Ride http://www.cicle.org/cicle_content/pivot/entry.php?id=175#body November 7, 2005 By Senator Jim Elliott C.I.C.L.E. As a rule, authority distrusts innovation and spontaneity, which to my mind pretty much embodies today’s cycling movement. I was reminded of this a couple of weeks ago when I watched ‘Still We Ride’ – a documentary on the mass… read more
2005-10-03 P.R. Cycle: Critical Mass – NY Times
P.R. Cycle: Critcal Mass http://www.nytimes.com/2005/10/02/magazine/02consumed.html October 2, 2005 By Rob Walker It has been a little more than a year since the Republican National Convention took place in New York City. The event, as was expected, met with a certain amount of local criticism and disdain, some of which took the form of protests that… read more
2005-05-11 Smolked Out – NY Press
Smolked Out NYC bicycle insanity forces riders to reconsider http://www.nypress.com/18/19/news&columns/aaronnaparstek.cfm New York Press May 11th, 2005 By Aaron Naparstek Last month’s Critical Mass bike ride ended in 34 arrests. Even theNew York Times, no big fan of pesky bike radicals clogging up midtown traffic, has begun to notice that something has gone extremely wrong with… read more
2005-05-03 Arrest Is Undercut by a Videotape – NY Times
Another Convention Arrest Is Undercut by a Videotape http://www.nytimes.com/2005/05/03/nyregion/03video.html New York Times May 3rd, 2005 By Jim Dwyer In the seven months since Eliza Wyka was arrested during the Republican National Convention, the district attorney’s office has offered three times to declare a kind of judicial ceasefire, saying it would drop charges against her if… read more
2005-05-01 34 CM Arrests – NY Newsday
34 arrested in Critical Mass bike ride http://www.nynewsday.com/news/local/manhattan/nyc-bike0501,0,2347905.story New York Newsday May 1st, 2005 By Lindsay Faber A total of 34 people were arrested at Friday night’s Critical Mass ride, the 12th anniversary of the movement, police said. The 20 men and 14 women arrested were issued desk appearance tickets, police said. The first warm-weather… read more
2005-04-30 At Least 18 Arrests Made – NY Times
April 30, 2005At Least 18 Arrests Made in Tense Night of a Monthly Cycling Protest http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E0DE1DD1E31F933A05757C0A9639C8B63&scp=1&sq=at%20least%2018%20arrests%20made%20in%20tense%20night&st=cse By KAREEM FAHIM and JIM DWYER CORRECTION APPENDED Under tense circumstances, the monthly Critical Mass bicycle ride set out last night from multiple locations in Manhattan, in an attempt by the riders to thwart a police crackdown. The police… read more
2005-04-12 Videos Challenge Arrests – NY Times
Videos Challenge Hundreds of Convention Arrests http://www.nytimes.com/2005/04/12/nyregion/12video.html?pagewanted=all New York Times April 12th, 2005 By Jim Dwyer Dennis Kyne put up such a fight at a political protest last summer, the arresting officer recalled, it took four police officers to haul him down the steps of the New York Public Library and across Fifth Avenue. “We… read more
2005-02-24 NYPD Cameras Invade – CBS TV2
Did NYPD Cameras Invade A Couple’s Privacy? Was It Appropriate Use Of Surveillance Equipment? http://cbsnewyork.com/topstories/topstoriesny_story_055153409.html  The video the NYPD doesn’t want you to see (Windows Video Format)  NYPD reacts to the “naughty videotape” (Windows Video Format)  Calls for investigation into NYPD “naughty videotape” (Windows Video Format) CBS TV2 News Feb 24, 2005 3:39 pm US/Eastern… read more
2004-12-31 Peaceful New Year’s CM – NY Newsday
Critical Mass enjoys peaceful New Year’s ride http://www.nynewsday.com/news/local/manhattan/nyc-ride0101,0,7197574.story Newsday December 31th, 2004 By Wil Cruz More than 200 Critical Mass bicyclists zigzagged through Manhattan streets Friday night, sans permits and in procession, rounding off the latest battle between the riders and the police department. The cyclists gathered at the north end of Union Square Friday… read more
2004-12-31 CM Without A Hitch – NY1
New Year’s Eve Critical Mass Bike Ride Goes Off Without A Hitch http://www.ny1.com/ny/Search/SubTopic/index.html?&contentintid=46704&search_result=1 NY1 News December 31th, 2004 By Amanda Farinacci Critical Mass cyclists rang in the New Year with another of their monthly rides Friday night. The city had requested an injunction to stop the riders from holding the event until particpants got a… read more
2004-11-16 Critical Mass Ass – NY Press
CRITICAL MASS ASS New York Press Tuesday, November 16, 2004 CLEARLY, AM NEW YORK’S editor-in-chief Alex Storozynski misses his glory days at the Daily News, back when his quill dripped fire and he let loose such broadsides as “Jamaica Bay, A Gem Worth Saving,” “Just Say No When Firms Avoid Taxes” and “Grammys, Eminem: Keep… read more
2004-11-10 Critical Mass Ass – NY Press
CRITICAL MASS ASS http://www.nypress.com/17/45/pagetwo/newshole4.cfm New York Press November 10th, 2004 CLEARLY, AMNEW YORK‘S editor-in-chief Alex Storozynski misses his glory days at the Daily News, back when his quill dripped fire and he let loose such broadsides as “Jamaica Bay, A Gem Worth Saving,” “Just Say No When Firms Avoid Taxes” and “Grammys, Eminem: Keep Out.”… read more
2004-11-04 Ticket to Ride – NY Post Editorial
CLICK HERE for 11/4/2004 NY Post Editorial – Ticket to Ride read more
2004-11-04 Q&A: Norman Siegel – Daily News
Q&A: Norman Siegel http://www.nydailynews.com/11-05-2004/news/ideas_opinions/story/249619p-213778c.html The New York Daily News November 4th, 2004 Civil liberties lawyer Norman Siegel spoke to the Daily News Editorial Board about the conflict between police and bike-riding demonstrators. Question: More than 1,000 cyclists take part in bike rides, called Critical Mass, on the last Friday of every month. That has led… read more
2004-10-28 Kelly: Extremists Hijack Ride
Extremists have hijackedthe bike rides http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ideas_opinions/story/246770p-211378c.html The New York Daily News October 28, 2004 By Police Commissionoer Raymond W. Kelly In years past, cyclists would ride together on city streets on the last Friday of the month, stopping at red lights, using bike lanes where they existed and generally observing the traffic laws that applied… read more