
  • Time’s Up! Bike Month Calendar

    Time’s Up! Bike Month Calendar

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  • Climate Change – What You Can Do

    A few suggestions from TIME’S UP!: Leave your car at home Use a bike or public transport to go to work and make local trips. Participate in community gardening Engage the environment from the roots up. Find gardens in your local area and contact the gardeners. Plant trees, fruits, vegetables and even flowers. Make your… read more

  • Climate Change

    Check out our 30th Anniversary Timeline of events and accomplishments. Run!!!! For over two decades, TIME’S UP! has not only been educating people about global warming and greenhouse gasses but has been doing something about it. We have hosted thousands of bicycle rides that have promoted non-polluting transportation as a fun and viable way to… read more

  • Federal and State Judicial Victories

    In 2004 Time’s Up! steps up its campaign to defend New Yorker’s First Amendment Rights. Since its inception, Time’s Up! has been dedicated not only to protecting the environment, but also to defending the community’s right to use and assemble in public spaces. Fueled by the suppression of First Amendment Rights during and after the 2004… read more