2010-05-15 Time’s Up! Garden Ride & HoeDown


Contacts: Benjamin Shepard – 917-586-7952
                  Elizabeth Michaels – 212-995-8963

Activists celebrate Community Gardens while calling for the city to make all gardens permanent, not subject to ‘transfer’ for redevelopment

What: A Ride / Procession / Dance Party to Save the Community Gardens
Saturday, May 15th
2:00pm, Tompkins Square Park –Ride will march to several Lower East Side Gardens

Ride Ends/ After Party Starts: 4:00pm at Dias y Flores Community Garden Lower East Side. 522 E. 13th St, between Avenues A & B Subway: L Train to 1st Avenue, from 4:00pm – 6:00pm.

New York, NY (May 13, 2010)
– This Saturday, May 15th, garden supporters –many dressed in garden costumes–will join a Garden Bike Ride / Dance Party organized by Time’s Up!, a direct action environmental group. They will call attention to the need to protect the green community spaces that gardens provide.

“The 2002 Spitzer garden agreement that temporarily prevented the City from selling our community gardens to developers expires this September and the City has pronounced its intent to have free license to transfer these precious green spaces to developers,” explained Benjamin Shepard, a Time’s Up! volunteer and garden member. “Ten years ago, we fought, screamed, dressed like tomatoes and sunflowers and put our bodies on the line for the community gardens. Today, these gardens are once again under threat of development.”

“This year we’re asking you to make some noise, defend, and celebrate the monumental achievement of the community gardens,” explained Monica Hunken, a volunteer for Time’s Up!

“Our elected officials talk a lot about their commitment to a green NYC. They need to prove that commitment by making these gardens permanent,” said Benjamin Shepard. “The Party for the Community Gardens reminds all New Yorkers that the fight is not over.”

A bulldozer destroys Esperanza Community Garden, 6th Street between Avenues B & C.

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