2007-09-01 – August Critical Mass – Indymedia

September 1, 2007
By roger m


For the 3rd month in a row, NYC had a terrific hassle-free Critical Mass.

It was the 3rd anniversary of the mammoth (5000 est.) Republican National Convention Critical Mass. The police presence at Union Square was substantial and intimidating. But for the 3rd month in a row the eventual ride was inspiring, cop free and without incident.

At Union Square cops wandered through the crowd trying to overhear discussion of any plans for the evening as massers enjoyed the evening chatting and hanging out. For some unknown reason, the mean cops shut down a small puppet show being given for the riders.

Later people regrouped elsewhere for a well executed ride of around 100 people – up slightly from last month and twice the number of 2 months ago. Through some sort of serendipity, the ride ended up going by all the main RNC ride historic sites throwing in a bike lift here and there for punctuation.

There were a considerable number of first time and out of town massers . They marveled at their luck in catching such a positive experience considering all the hurt NYC has been putting on freedom of assembly in recent years. The ride ended up in a park consuming snacks provided by the Times Up diving team and enjoying the beautiful evening.

Still we ride!

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