News Date: Sunday, November 6, 2011 – 5:07pm
Still accepting donations: bicycles, children’s bicycle trailers, exercise bicycles. Time’s Up! volunteers have been working with Occupy Wall Street NYC since Day 1. Recently, we helped them start a sustainability committee. Below are some of the sustainable projects we could use funding for:
1. Building more bike powered generators for OWS and occupations in other cities.
2. Buying cargo bikes for delivering compost to local farms and community gardens, and bringing local food back to OWS.
3. Buying special cargo bikes for hauling water from local taps to OWS.
4. Recycling, maintaining, and locking bike share bikes for the various committees at OWS.
Please donate what you can here. Share this link with all of your friends. Watch the video below to learn more.
Thank you for the support for the Time’s Up! and OWS Energy Bike project – it is now on its way to providing mechanical electrical energy to power all OWS laptops and cell phones.
Occupy Wall Street feeds over 1,000 people each day! Lots of behind the scenes work goes into the preparation, delivery and waste management involved in this undertaking. Now, Time’s Up! Environmental Organization, and the OWS sustainability committee need specialized trailers and bicycles to make these processes more economically and environmentally sustainable.
We are also launching a bike share program to support the daily deliveries and chores for each working group.