Pencil This In
March 13, 2009
By John Del Signore
BIKE RIDE: As any regular cyclist knows, the NYPD doesn’t do shit when it comes to ticketing drivers who double park in bike lanes, thereby forcing bike riders to perilously merge with speeding traffic. Thankfully, the clowns are doing something about it! Today you’re invited to join them, in costume or without, as they pedal en masse to remind everyone that bike lanes are for bikes. The “Time’s Up! Pies of March Clown Ride” will culminate at 3:30 at Astor Place with a “Bike Clowns vs. Keystone Cops” pie fight. (Clown makeup and props will be provided for anyone interested.) Last year, the Discovery Channel covered the ride; watch it here.
Saturday // 1:30 p.m. // Tompkins Square Park [Near the big tree at the 7th St entrance] // Free