2007-01-08 – Cyclists Ride In Tribute To Friend Lost – amNewYork

Justin Rocket Silvermanam
NewYork Staff Writer
January 8, 2007

Scores of cyclists took to the streets Sunday to visit the places where 14 of their own were killed last year.”At each stop we heard from a family member of the deceased,” said rider Sara Stout, 37, of Brooklyn. “There was a lot of talk for us to ride safer, and for drivers to be safer, a little compromise on everyone’s part. “Stout said the ride, sponsored by the advocacy groups Time’s Up! and Visual Resistance, was aided by police, who escorted bikers through intersections. Organizers also discussed the 134 pedestrians they said died in New York City last year.”There was something obviously unsafe about the site of every fatal accident,” Stout said. “Some improvement that could be made.”Last summer the city released a comprehensive bike safety report, and announced the creation of 200 miles of bike lanes during the next three years.

Copyright 2007 Newsday Inc. from: http://www.amny.com/news/local/am-bike0108,0,2749976.story?coll=am-topheadlines