2006-08-11 Deaths Spark Law Call from Cyclists – Metro

Metro New York
August 11-13, 2006

Manhattan: Darren Lewis, a Harlemite who recently celebrated his 20th birthday, was struck and killed by a truck from the Karnco Building Supply Company yesterday around 10 a.m. when he was riding his bike along 9th Avenue at W. 29th Street, according to police. No summonses were issued and no criminality is suspected, but NYPD officials said the investigation is ongoing. This was the second bicycle-related death in one week. On Saturday, Shamar Porter, 10, was hit and killed by a minivan as he biked home from a Little League game in New Lots. The deaths prompted Times Up!, a cycling advocacy group, to call on the city to improve conditions for cyclists and crack down on drivers who flout traffic laws, such as parking in bike lanes, cutting off cyclists or speeding too closely behind cyclists.