
  • 2011 Letter – Year in Review

    December 2011 Dear Friend, This has been an exciting year! From Tahrir Square to Occupy Wall Street, change is in the air. It’s about time, with financial markets crashing and climate change ever more of a reality, we collectively need to change. Thanks to its members, volunteers, and activists, TIME’S UP has been playing a… read more


    News Date: Sunday, July 4, 2010 – 4:31am read more

  • 2009 Letter – Year in Review

    November 24, 2009 Dear Friend, Here in New York City, nonpolluting transportation and environmental awareness are on the rise. Over the past three years, the city has installed 200 miles of bike lanes and ridership has increased by more than 45 percent. TIME’S UP! and all of our members and supporters can be proud of… read more